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What to Text a Guy So He Comes Over

So you lot want to know how to text a guy to proceed him interested?

Gone are the days when you lot would only talk on the telephone to a guy you were dating. Now, texting has become the norm both when getting to know someone new also every bit once that human relationship develops.

This is both a good and bad thing. On the ane hand, you lot have time to think almost what you want to say to the guy yous're interested in…

On the other manus, it'south all too piece of cake to misunderstand his text or worry if you don't hear back in a timely mode.

Interestingly, a recent study shows that if you have similar texting habits, you're more likely to be satisfied in your relationship. Then if you're a first-affair-in-the-forenoon texter or someone who writes novel-length texts and he is too, you lot're probable to hit it off!

Texting and Online Dating

One expanse that is specially important for texting is online dating. Most dating apps and sites include a messaging component that is essentially texting. This is how yous initially discover whether you similar one another or not, and then if you're dabbling in the earth of dating online, you lot'll want to have notes on how to text a guy to go along him interested.

From the first introductory text to the one that gets you off of the app and texting directly to one some other, knowing the ins and outs of texting can be hugely benign.

How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested

Now that you've admitted there's no getting abroad from texting as you navigate the big, heady world of dating, allow's look at a few tips that will help you learn how to text a guy to go along him interested.

1.  Never, Always Text Just 'Hi!'

I don't know when we started getting so lazy, merely the 'hi' text is by far the laziest possible pick when information technology comes to texting. Sure, you're only trying to prod him to see if he's around and wants to text, but at that place are and then many more creative ways to get his attention.

Instead, give him a reason to respond.  Here are a few examples.

Hey proficient lookin'. How's your morning going?

Hola cutie. Been thinking of you lot all morning…

What each of these examples does is a) lets him know you're thinking about him and b) give him something to answer to. The entire point of texting is to engage in conversation, then go on your goal in mind. Are you looking to make plans with him for tonight? Simply take hold of up on your mean solar day? Take a more heartfelt conversation? Keep that goal in listen when you lot initiate a conversation.

two. Show Him You Have a Life

I know it seems dizzy that men would like it when you're unavailable, only don't underestimate the power of the chase. Make yourself besides available, and you might plow him off. But testify him that you're a decorated lady with lots going on, and he'll want y'all even more than.

If you want to larn how to text a guy to keep him interested, allow him know you're not always available. If you're headed out with friends, answer to his text only let him know you lot're walking out the door and that you'll check in subsequently.

First of all, this is only courteous because (and yous know I'g right) when you transport a text and someone doesn't respond for hours, you start to become nervous. This way, you're acknowledging his text but also letting him gently know yous're non available.

Yous can besides text him about what you lot're upwards to. Send him a photo of the fish you only defenseless or the band y'all're watching. This makes him feel more connected to you while too showing him that you're not sitting effectually waiting for him to text.

Hither are some examples:

Good to hear from you! I'yard actually walking out the door to run across friends for happy hr. Can I get back to y'all tonight?

But saw the most astonishing jazz band at the restaurant I'm at. You'd dearest them! [picture]

3. Enquire Him Questions

woman texting guy

Evidence interest in him by asking him questions.

You know you dear it when the guy you're dating asks you questions about your life and interests, so why wouldn't you reciprocate?  Asking questions almost his job, his family, his hobbies, or his day is an excellent strategy in how to text a guy to go on him interested. By showing your own interest in his life, he is reassured that yous dig him, and he'll reply in kind.

Hey, how did that big meeting go today? I was crossing my fingers for yous!

Your sister's coming to boondocks tomorrow, correct? What do you have planned?

iv. Don't Always Respond Immediately

Okay, yous know I don't abet playing games in dating, but this isn't actually a game. Information technology'due south more of a strategy that will help you down the road. What happens if you text him back within seconds now, but a few weeks or months from now you lose interest and drag out the time between responses? He'll pick upward on that immediately.

Likewise, again, is the hunt factor. If you respond too quickly, he'll experience like you lot're ever available, and that will take the challenge away.

Some other adept dominion of thumb is to pay attention to how quickly (or slowly) he is to answer to your texts. If he takes all day, you certainly don't need to answer to him within seconds. Merely if he's fast to answer, you tin exercise the same.

I don't take an instance for this tip on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Just expect twice as long as you want to earlier you reply. Or put your phone beyond the room then you actually don't hear that he's texted you lot!

5. Use Emojis Without Going Overboard

Simply as texting has evolved over the by years, so has the use of emojis. It'southward not just teenagers using them. Emojis can better express the intention behind your words, which is of import because information technology'due south all too easy to misinterpret a text.

But pay attending to how often you apply those emojis (and gifs are smashing, too). If this guy never sends a single emoji, y'all don't want to come off equally juvenile past peppering your texts with them. Lucifer his cadence.

For this case, permit'south look at how an emoji can better illustrate meaning behind a text.

Without emoji: Who said anything well-nigh me missing you lot?

With emoji: Who said anything about me missing you lot?😉

Without emoji: I haven't seen you lot all week!

With emoji: I haven't seen you all week!😢

6. Let Him Initiate (Sometimes)

man texting

Be patient and look for him to transport the beginning text!

I know you're super excited about this new guy, lady, but don't be overeager past e'er initiating the text conversation. Let him come to you.

And so requite him reinforcement. Let's say he texts every morning to wish you a happy day. This pleases you immensely. Let him know how much yous like his morning texts, and he'll go on up the adept work.

That being said, don't make your texting completely one-sided. For every few texts he sends first, initiate one. This shows him that you lot like him and aren't agape to give a picayune.

Learning how to text a guy to go on him interested means you'll need to pay attention to patterns and tempos. Exist observant and you'll soon see that he texts you at the same fourth dimension(ish) every day. Surprise him past beating him to it some days.

seven. Accept a Purpose with Each Text Convo

I touched on this at the commencement of this article on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Having a purpose or goal for each text conversation volition ensure it flows.

Exercise you lot want to make plans for the weekend? Get to know him on a deeper level? Just check in to let him know you're thinking of him? Have that purpose in heed when you text so you can keep the conversation on track. Plus, this keeps yous from wasting his time, since you have no thought what he's in the centre of when he receives your text.

Hey love! Simply confirming our plans for tomorrow night to see at the park.

Hiya! I read this great article about mythology that reminded me of our convo on the subject the other day. What are your thoughts on…

8. Wait Til He Responds Before Texting Again

Here'southward an splendid tip on how to text a guy to keep him interested. If you send one text,do non text him over again until you hear from him.

I know in the early days of dating y'all may be filled with insecurity, and him taking hours to answer to you may make yous worry that he'due south ghosted or is no longer interested. Merely take a deep breath and accept a little patience.

Realize that you don't know what'due south going on with him. He could be out with friends. Comatose. His phone could be dead. Silence is non a death penalty. And bombarding him with text after text when he'south unavailable is a huge turnoff.

ix. Don't Txt Lk a Teen


We all want shortcuts in life, but please don't make abbreviating your texts 1 of them. Yous are not a teenager. Don't text similar one.

It takes milliseconds to fully spell out a word versus abbreviate information technology. And there's e'er voice to text if you're lazy or take fat thumbs! So avoid these:

  • CUL8R
  • UR
  • LMK
  • IKR

Now, I'm not saying you tin can't occasionally throw out an LOL, just realize that yous might give off the impression of being juvenile if y'all go overboard.

10. Be Witty

One of the all-time ways to build a bond with a human yous're dating is through witty banter. It balances the heavier conversations ("what do yous do? what are you looking for? accept you ever been married?"),and laughter is a bang-up connector.

In psychological studies, researchers found that men like women to exist funny, especially at the kickoff of a relationship. Information technology indicates to them flirtatiousness and receptivity.

So throw some witty lines out at that place via text.

You call up you can beat me in the 5K tomorrow? You amend pack a lunch!

Evidence me yours and I'll show y'all mine…

I was talking about tattoos, perv! What did you think I meant?  😉

11. Know When to Have it Off Text

The fact is: texting isn't always the best communication channel for the situation. Phone calls (or better: contiguous) allows the conversation to period faster and better, then if your texts are getting lengthy or the subject field is heavy (his grandmother is dying), propose you alter the channel.

Katherine Hertlein, a psychologist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, says it'south important to determine the best channel for the chat. She says that asynchronous methods (like texting) are improve for problem-solving because they give you more fourth dimension to assimilate the information you've gotten and call up about how you desire to respond.

Synchronous methods, similar a phone call or video chat, can be more than engaging for more serious conversations.

I tin can talk faster than I can type. Wanna continue this chat on the phone?

12. Occasionally Send a Photo

woman selfie

Sending a selfie now and so puts you top of listen!

Communication isn't simply verbal or written. You can likewise communicate with a photo now and and so, sent via text or Snapchat. Information technology'south okay to send a cute selfie occasionally, but delight, ladies, don't overdo it! Sending too many selfies to him can come off as conceited or self-involved.

Instead, mix it up. Send a photo of something you think he'd laugh at or a snapshot of what y'all're doing right now.

Ask for them back. If he's hiking today, enquire for a pic of the summit. Having him share photos is a great mode to go on him engaged and can accept the conversation to a new level.

My soufflé turned out great! Just call me Julia Child! [photograph of the soufflé you made]

Such a beautiful twenty-four hours. Wish you were here! [photo of yous at the beach]

13. Ask About His Solar day

Yous like information technology when your guy asks how your 24-hour interval is going, right? So doesn't it stand to reason that he'd like the same matter?

Asking about his twenty-four hours is a great conversation starter. If he's having a bully twenty-four hour period, you can share virtually yours. If he's having a bad twenty-four hours, yous can be the shoulder for him to cry on (or at least vent at). Pay attention to his response and enquire more questions.

Only don't start each conversation like this every 24-hour interval. That can get boring and monotonous. Remember, you lot desire to keep things fresh and interesting, non repetitive!

You lot:Hey doll! How is your twenty-four hour period going?

Him: Grr. Non bully. I have a nail in my tire. But got air in information technology and at present need to take it to the tire shop.

You: Oh no! That sucks. Do y'all need a ride in that location? We could become coffee while you wait.

xiv. Keep Them Short and Sweet

Texts are not emails. They are designed to be cursory. If you're getting long-winded in your text to him, consider switching to a telephone telephone call or Facetime.

Keeping texts short likewise creates the opportunity for dorsum-and-along chat. If you do have a lot to say, break information technology upwardly in several lines to give him a adventure to read and reply.

That being said, don't make every text you send three words long. Respond in full sentences…just don't create a wall of text!

15. Get Sexy (When You're Ready)

sexy text

Don't be shy! Send a sexy text his fashion.

Sexting isn't for anybody, and it's certainly not required as part of your lesson on how to text a guy to continue him interested. All the same, at that place are other ways you can flirt or be a little sexy without sending a nude photo or maxim something crude (unless you're into that. If so, full steam ahead!).

That being said, if you do want to go your flirt on, don't bound into sexy texts too soon. Wait until you know the guy a chip and intimacy has come up as a subject area (either through conversation or action). If you oasis't yet had sex just are thinking about information technology, texting can create a sense of apprehension that volition brand him crazy (in a good mode).

Just went a fiddling shopping crazy at Victorias Secret..😈

If you're already having sexual activity, a steamy text can requite him reassurance that you enjoyed it and looking frontward to next time.

Couldn't sleep last dark. I kept replaying Sunday evening over and over and over!🔥🔥

Never send sexy texts if they make you uncomfortable. The right human being won't crave them or send them to yous if y'all're non into it.

16. Don't Complain

I know that the more time you spend with a man, the more comfortable you go with him. That ways you'll open upwards more and more than, and in general, that's a corking thing. However, this doesn't mean you should utilise it as an opportunity to vent or mutter.

The occasional"boy, it's hot out!" is no big deal, but don't bitch near your boss, your kids, your life. There's a fine line between talking to someone about what'southward bothering yous and only complaining. Know the difference. If something'due south really eating yous and you lot want to talk nearly it, save it for a phone conversation or an in-person meeting. Otherwise, you'll come off as a Negative Nelly, and that'south not sexy.


Texting tin can be a fantastic platform for getting to know a guy y'all're dating. Simply pay attention to his beliefs rather than putting all your focus on how to text him to keep him interested. Is he initiating a lot of your conversations? Does he reply quickly? Are his answers terse or more in-depth? Does he ask yous questions?

But don't just analyze his texts. Is he as well making an effort to run into you in person? If he's not, you lot accept what amounts to a pen pal. If you're texting and texting with no plans in sight, exist a Sexy Confident lady and ask him out. If he makes excuses, this guy has no intention of coming together yous. He'due south in information technology to get his ego stoked past your amazing texts.

Work on making your texts flirty and appealing, simply don't rely on them solely to hold up your human relationship. The longer you appointment the more than telephone calls and meetups you should have.

How practise you proceed a human being interested via text? Share your tips in the comments below!

sexy text

PS. If you're ready to avoid the flaky men and the players, then information technology'due south fourth dimension to learn the 7 piffling love steps – Annals hither to get started (it's 100% free).
